About Us

Professional BAS Agent and Bookkeeper 

We offer solutions to small business accounting, compliance and payroll issues to reduce stress and increase efficiency.  We provide professional BAS and Bookkeeping services and our clients enjoy a relationship formed on mutual trust and understanding.

We pride ourselves on forming professional partnerships with business owners, and work closely with our clients’ Accountant to streamline their processes and ensure all compliance is up to date and accurate. We are registered BAS Agents meaning you can rely on high standards of work as we are both qualified and insured.

Trust your business with a Professional BAS Agent!

As a registered professional BAS agent we follow a Code of Conduct so you always get the highest quality service and have confidence in the work that we provide.

Minimum professional BAS agent requirements

A bookkeeper must meet certain high standards to become a Registered BAS Agent:



A minimum of a Cert IV in Financial Services (Bookkeeping or Accounting).



1,400 hours of supervised experience lodging BAS during the past four years.


Professional Membership

Membership with at least one professional bookkeeping or accounting body is recommended.


Professional Development

Maintaining knowledge and skills, taking relevant courses and keeping up to date with legislation.



Maintaining professional indemnity insurance to compensate clients in the event of loss due to an act, error or omission provided by a BAS Agent.

Professional Code of Conduct

Most importantly, breaches can mean huge fines or loss of registration. To ensure you are protected, the code covers the following areas:


Honesty and Integrity

Acting honestly, complying with tax laws, and dealing with money in a trustworthy manner.


Conflict of Interest

Acting in the best interest of clients and managing conflicts of interest.



Not disclosing information to a third party without the client’s permission or legal duty to do so.



Taking reasonable care to ascertain client state of affairs and correctly apply GST and taxation laws.



Timeliness, professional indemnity insurance, and correct administration of laws.

Let Us Help You

If you are looking for a professional bookkeeping partner, please feel free to get in touch with us.